How can you stay positive AND productive during such global sudden uncertainty? This pandemic outbreak continues to take a toll all over the world, affecting our health, jobs, family, and global markets, triggering a wave of human and economic suffering, unlike anything that’s been experienced before.
We need to take these moments as an opportunity to reassess what’s important to us and count our blessings and staying grounded during the chaos. We recognize that only together, we’re going to come out stronger.
Despite the challenges of not knowing what to expect, stress and anxiety can easily creep in, so how can we stay positive and proactive as we adapt to a lifestyle in quarantine?
Here are a few tips:
- Don’t engage in the chaos. Stay informed, but don’t overload with pandemic news and scares
- Focus on what you can control such as daily routine, how you respond under pressure, mundane or extraordinary goals
- Set personal/career goals: acquiring new skills, honing old skills, reading, or exercise
- Adapt and look at the positive side of the situation
- Help those in need. Engage with your local community’s needs, ex: Food Banks
- Be grateful & joyful. Being thankful for your health, family, and friends. Check out Benefits of Gratitude Meditation
- Do your part and follow safety measures: stay at home, keep social distance, and wash your hands
As everyone is affected by the COVID-19, now is the time to amplify your learning and become stronger, investing energy into something that propels you.
Reach out to your mentors for any support and guidance. This is critically important to your success.
We are here for you if you have any questions, and don’t hesitate to reach out.
As always, we hope that you and your families stay safe and healthy!
Dana Turcas
Events & Marketing Lead, DataFactZ