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azure machine learning


SQL DB scaling isn’t a simple config like other cloud providers, but with out-of-the box solutions in PowerShell runbooks, you can automate scaling Azure instances based on usage. With custom ARM templates, multiple environments can be set up in Azure Data Factory with required connectivity and configurations.


Automate Regular Database Maintenance

Certain maintenance tasks can become very labor intensive as doing the math on man hours can attest. Automating regular database maintenance tasks like indexes, statistics, etc. can be automated with custom runbooks as well.
Rewriting legacy schemas and migrating historical loads into Synapse manually can cause a variety of headaches besides vast amounts of time. Reusable frameworks and components for Azure Databricks, DevOps,

Leading Fortune500s have accelerated their cloud transformation by 40% with our Azure Accelerators and Automation Solutions.

They’ve leveraged our out-of-the-box solutions to see:

70% improvement in data processing times

60% improvement in ETL pipeline creation times
80-120 man-hours saved each month by automating daily maintenance tasks

Download Solution Sheet: Migrating Data to Cloud

See how a F500 Healthcare Organization transform BI with Azure Cloud

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